By Chris Feeny • @ChrisF3105 • March 18
Not only is The Bart closed but so are professional baseball facilities all around the country.
Plenty of our Hoosier Baseball Alumni have moved on to Minor League Baseball and the shutting down of all professional sports is affecting them as well.
Here is some news from around the country explaining the situation and what is being done (or not done) to assist them.
• Bill Bauer of NBC Sports writes about how this national pandemic has made an already rough financial situation even worse and how Eric Sim started a food gift card donation distribution program for minor leaguers.
• Emma Baccellieri of Sports Illustrated tells the story of how Micheal Rivers started the Adopt a Milb Player program just weeks before the pandemic and how it is even more essential to these players now.
• Maria Santora of KVAL News also shines a light on Micheal Rivers’ program and how it helps the minor league player.
• Finally, about a year ago, Emily Waldon of The Athletic, did an extensive piece on the life of the Minor League Ball player and of course that was without the current shutdown. Due to the current times, The Athletic has opened the paywall for the piece and you can read it here.